Beech (Fagus Silvatica)
predominates in the Romanian forests, having a great capacity of natural regeneration. Alongside oak (Pedunculate oak – Quercus robur and Sessile oak – Quercus petraea) they add up together to 53% (more than half) of the total volume.
Out of all hardwood species, beech is the one most widely spread across the Romanian Carpathian Mountains – the only unpolluted forest area in Europe.
Having a dense, but mild and homogenous structure, the Romanian beech is suitable for any kind of processing. It can be plasticized, bent and dried in best conditions, being excellently suited for mechanical processing, as well as perfect for finishings (various surface treatments).
Because of its light color and the homogenous structure, several color shades can result from varnishing the products, matching thus beautifully not only the ”white” wood species, but also the red ones (such as mahogany, iroko, cherry and others). Color can also be adjusted by steaming.
Due to a proper processing technology, even the so-called ”natural defects” of the beech can be esthetically emphasized (especially the red heart, which gives the product a ”natural-rustic” patina).

The beech Lumber
Our company has managed to bring out these natural characteristics of the beech wood, by using an adequate technology, consisting basically in
· using the band-saw for log processing,
· steaming by means of a direct steaming system,
· kiln drying to 10 +/- 2% and
· grading – after the steaming and edging procedures are done – in one unique AB Quality (either without red heart or with healthy read heart allowed, no knots).
What is left after the grading process, is turned into semi-finished elements for the production of massive wood panels.
The timber is delivered in 26 and 51 mm thickness, in 3 lengths:
· super-short (0,3 – 0,9 m)
· short (1,0 – 1,8 m)
· long (2,1 m+)
Oak (Quercus)
is represented within the Romanian forest fund by two subspecies, namely: the Pedunculated Oak (Quercus robur) and Sessile Oak (Quercus Petraea).
Quercus robur – The wood is extremely valuable, with narrow sapwood and brownish heartwood (duramen), with wide, somewhat irregular annual rings. It reaches a height of 50m and develops a 1 m diameter. The trunk is not that straight, tending to develop thickness-wise. The bark is blackish in color, stony, deeply cracked lengthwise and transversely.
Quercus petraea – The wood is extremely valuable, it presents smaller, more regular growths than oak, being finer and more uniform. It can reach a height of up to 45 m. The trunk is straight, cylindrical, and can be traced all the way up to the tree top. The bark is relatively thin, brown-blackish in color – much softer than the bark of the oak – with small cracks.

The Oak Lumber
The timber is shipped fresh or dried, KD between 6 and 9%. The regular thicknesses are 26, 32 and 51mm, with lengths starting at 2,00 m up to 3,90 m. We deliver three qualities, namely:
· A grade: pieces without defects on both sides can be obtained, with a minimum length of 2,0 m and 12 cm width.
· B grade: pieces without defects on one side can be obtained, with a minimum length of 2,0 m and 12 cm width.
· Rustic grade: minimum length 2,2 m, unlimited healthy knots, no through-and-through (traversing) cracks, no black knots, no insect holes.